- Înapoi
- The Dogheads, ., Act I, Scene 2: "Greetings to You and Blessed Be Jesus Christ!" (Jan Sladký Kozina, farmář z Oujezda, Stará matka Kozinová, Jiskra Řehůřek, dudák)

The Dogheads, ., Act I, Scene 2: "Greetings to You and Blessed Be Jesus Christ!" (Jan Sladký-Kozina, farmář z Oujezda, Stará matka Kozinová, Jiskra Řehůřek, dudák)
- Beno Blachut
- Klassik,
- Kovařovic: The Dogheads
- 15.08.2018
- 02:12min
- Believe Digital