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Prague National Theatre Chorus, Prague National Theatre Orchestra, Milan Malý, Jaroslav Krombholc,
Prague National Theatre Chorus, Prague National Theatre Orchestra, Milan Malý, Jaroslav Krombholc,
Libuše: "Libuše" (Libuše, Přemysl, Krasava, Radmila, Chrudoš, Šťáhlav, Lutobor, Radovan, ženci, ženci, ženci, ženci)
Prague National Theatre Chorus, Prague National Theatre Orchestra, Milan Malý, Jaroslav Krombholc,
Julietta (The Key to Dreams), ., Act I, Scene 6 - 7: "What´s up? - What Hotel? - I Believe...It´s a Toy" (Michel, Komisař, listonoš, Muž s helmou, Muž v okně, Malý Arab, Starý Arab)
Prague National Theatre Chorus, Prague National Theatre Orchestra, Milan Malý, Jaroslav Krombholc,
Julietta (The Key to Dreams), ., Act II, Scene 4 - 5: "Well Now, the Old Folks Are Happy - Oh, at Last! - Oh! Memories" (Julietta, Michel, Hadač karet, Obchodník se vzpomínkami)
Prague National Theatre Chorus, Prague National Theatre Orchestra, Milan Malý, Jaroslav Krombholc,
Julietta (The Key to Dreams), ., Act III, Scene 7 - 8: "Leave the Door Half-Open Behind You! - Arrival of Ffigures in Grey Suits - Michel! Michel!" (Julietta, Michel, Malý Arab, Starý Arab, Trestanec, Úředník, Noční hlídač)
Prague National Theatre Chorus, Prague National Theatre Orchestra, Milan Malý, Jaroslav Krombholc,
Two Widows, .: "Overture" (Mumlal, hajný, Karolína, vdova, Anežka, vdova, Lidunka, selské děvče, Ladislav Podhajský, Toník, selský hoch)
Prague National Theatre Chorus, Prague National Theatre Orchestra, Milan Malý, Jaroslav Krombholc,
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