- Atrás
- Sacred Songs No. 2; Chorus, "Babylon" (Watson); Solo, "Flee as a Bird" (Dana); Solo and Quartet, "There is a Green Hill Far Away" (Gounod); Solo, "Holy City" (Adams); Chorus, "Star of Bethleham" (Adams).

Sacred Songs - No. 2; Chorus, "Babylon" (Watson); Solo, "Flee as a Bird" (Dana); Solo and Quartet, "There is a Green Hill Far Away" (Gounod); Solo, "Holy City" (Adams); Chorus, "Star of Bethleham" (Adams).
- Victor Mixed Chorus
- The First Noel (Recordings of 1917 - 1939)
- 11.12.2021
- 03:57min
- Believe Digital